четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.


Rarely does a day go by that I don’t receive an email or blog comment from a reader asking me how to use the Law of Attraction for a specific person. I understand the pain they’re going through, but I also know that you can use the Law of Attraction to attract a specific person. I know it because I’ve done it.

Years ago, I had success with the Law of Attraction in every area but my love life. I read the books that said you should focus on a generic person or try to attract someone you’ve never met or even your soulmate. It never made sense to me…

If believing it means you’re supposed to see it…

If we create the world around us…

If we have unlimited power…

Why did everyone say that when it comes to love, there’s a limit?

It’s such a contradiction!

Then one day I read a story by Neville Goddard in which he mentioned how he successfully manifested a specific person. He also told the tale of a woman he knew who did the same thing.

It gave me hope and set me on the path of figuring out how to use the Law of Attraction to attract a specific person myself.

And I did!

But I didn’t do it just once. I did it over and over again.

Why? Well, you know how sometimes what you think you want isn’t what you really want? That’s what happened to me. The first person I manifested wasn’t what I wanted.

When I realized that, I wanted to attract someone else, but this time I really wanted to test what I did and see how well it worked. I didn’t just try to attract someone I was interested in romantically, but I tried it over and over again on random people – people I went to school with…people I worked with…people I would see while out with friends.

In no time, they would contact me – an email, a phone call, a hello…

I even tested myself…or rather the Law of Attraction…to see if I could pre-determine how they would contact me or how things would go once they did – would it become a great relationship, a friendship, and so on.

Friends were amazed at the luck I had. They had me show them how to do it, and it worked for them too.

Finally, I decided to try it on the person I knew was my soulmate, Edward. We had been friends for years, but I was never ready for more than friendship. Over time, we ended up living in different countries, keeping in touch on birthdays and such. But now, I was ready for more than friendship. I wanted the happily ever after.

Many people might have said the obstacles were too great; I shouldn’t even bother trying.

But I knew better.

I knew the only limit to the Law of Attraction was my beliefs…and I believed…no, I knew…I could attract him just as easily as I attracted all the other specific people I had set my eye on.

I was right! Within three weeks of focusing on manifesting him, Edward sought me out. Our lives changed so that we could be together, with all obstacles falling away as if the Universe had its hand in making it happen, which of course it did. We’ve been together ever since.

I understand why people want to attract a specific person with the Law of Attraction. I know the emotions that are involved. I know the curiosity and the desire. Most importantly, I know how to make it happen.

I’ve received so many questions from readers about how to use the Law of Attraction for love for a specific person that I’ve set down and written my full system out.

I’ll tell you how you can get it in a moment.

I’ve spent months writing everything down, testing it to make sure I hadn’t left any detail out. When I was done, I was surprised to find out that I had written a book. It’s far too much information to put on this website.

That’s why I’ve made it available on Amazon as a kindle book.

Click here to get Manifesting Love: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Attract a Specific Person, Get Your Ex Back, and Have the Relationship of Your Dreams.

You DON’T need a kindle to read it. You can download a free app here to read it on a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and more.

It's that easy!

Get Manifesting Love: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Attract a Specific Person, Get Your Ex Back, and Have the Relationship of Your Dreams

If you want more information on the Law of Attraction and manifesting love, you might also like:

Original article and pictures take www.youtube.com site

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