четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

22 Journal Prompts For Deeper Self-Knowledge

Get a beautiful eBook for these journal prompts - a great way to start journaling!

Journaling is has so many wonderful benefits – it helps evoke mindfulness, it clears your mind of all the clutter, it can help you reach goals, solve problems, stimulate creativity, and improves your communication skills.

It’s also a great tool to deepen your self-knowledge when you ask mindful questions that you may not have consciously considered before.

Pick a prompt that jumps out at you and let your answers flow raw and unedited for as long as you feel like writing. You might be surprised at what you uncover!

Let’s get started.

1. Something I thought about a lot as a child was…

2. One thing I’ve always wished for is…

3. If I received $10,000 that I HAD to spend on myself, I would…

4. One thing I know I need to work on is…

5. I’m most proud that I…

6. In the next year, I really want to…

7. If I could ask any person just one thing, it would be ____ and I would ask…

8. A silver lining in a not so good situation that happened recently is…

9. The skill I’ve always wanted to have is…

10. A sentence that stopped me in my tracks and changed my outlook was…

11. The ways I’ve grown over the past 5 years are…

12. Something I’d like to achieve one day is…

13. The best bit of advice I could give to a younger me is…

14. A book that I always re-read is _____, because…

15. One thing I’ll never regret is ______, because…

16. The quality I admire most in others is…

17. If I could be a go-to person for anything, it would be…

18. If I could go to any point in the past or future, I would…

19. The thing that I’m most afraid to tell people is…

20. The thing that I’m most thankful for is…

21. When people first meet me, I hope they feel…

22. Something that I’d love to do today (that I can easily do!) is…

Original article and pictures take www.mistysansom.com site

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