среда, 8 ноября 2017 г.

3 Ways I Manifest Passive Income + Travel the World

Looking for ways to manifest passive income in this ever fluctuating economy? Maybe you are saving up for a dream vacay or are building up a rainy day fund? Let me explain three steps that helped me manifest passive money flow in order to quit my job and travel the world.

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For most of my professional life, I kept “job hopping.” The time I spent at a particular job starting getting shorter and shorter. After the third job in three years, I finally caught on to the recurring theme.

I didn’t have clarity on what I wanted from my work life. I kept striving for career success but not career fulfillment. And with that mentality, there’s no job security regardless of the company or position.

After this aha moment, I got off the roller coaster and took time off to travel the world. I started my world travel in Sedona, Arizona where there are numerous energy vortexes. After all, I am an energy healer! Why not get grounded before embarking on my Eat, Pray and Love journey!

During this time off, I realized how my life was a series of experiments comprising of a fulfilling spiritual journey. With each career challenge, I took opportunities to develop my soul.

As I developed on the spiritual level, my professional career needed to expand as well. No wonder I kept feeling restless year after year at the same job. Each career move was merely a pivot in the right direction to realign my career path with my soul path.

Feeling job dissatisfaction was the Universe’s way of encouraging me to continue to align my new skill sets in a way where I’m contributing more impact for the highest good of the collective consciousness.

So life was an experiment and challenges along the way were opportunities to develop my soul. But how was I going to sustain experimenting and taking on more risks? I needed the means to do so. Here are the first three steps I took to manifest passive income to support my work life experiments.

  1. Reallocate and diversify

Who would’ve thought having a business economics degree would come in handy for an energy healer? Although I didn’t think I would ever use a major that I didn’t enjoy studying, it sure came in handy on my spiritual journey!

During the first month after I quit my job, I had no choice but to face the numbers. I needed to determine how I was going to support myself without a bimonthly paycheck. In doing so, I recognized where my hard earned money could be passively increasing in value greater than inflation rate.

I began to reallocate funds from my savings account to a more diversified asset portfolio. When it came to the stock market, I’m very risk adverse. Combined with being an emotionally sensitive empath, forget it! But here’s how I minimized risks: Diversified across different asset classes, within asset classes, across markets, countries and currencies.

Last but not least, I made sure I diversified across time. Even the top financial gurus are not able to predict the right time to buy stocks. But if I kept adding to my investments systematically over months and years, I reduced my risk and increased my returns over time.

  1. Embrace the side hustle:

Mainstream media isn’t calling it a “gig economy” for nothing! Having a side gig is practically the norm for younger millennials. Through websites like UpWork and Task Rabbit, side hustling has become easier and more accessible.

Perhaps you want to freelance? Or maybe start your own blog selling a course? Did you know there are people who have made thousands selling their jewelry and clothes online? Whether you want to house sit, Air B&B your place, rent out your car on weekends, tutor, or pet sit, the possibilities are endless these days.

Get creative with it as you’re only limiting yourself if you think you can only make money by transferring your 9-5 skill sets. Many tend to overlook the fact that they can also make money with what they have, what they know, and what they are willing to try.

  1. Increase energy flow:

Increasing positive energy flow is the most important factor to manifesting faster breakthroughs. Money is energy. So how is money suppose to flow into your life when there is clutter. Clear away those blocks to create space for money flow.

One way is to declutter your home and work environment. Not sayin’ that you have to Marie Condo your house but the lady has a good point. How much of your energy is directed toward looking after your material belongings?

Clearing away the “excess” from your home, work environment, and even calendar creates space for positive energy flow. It helps to clear mental space that helps you to focus and be more efficient.

Keep items that actively serve you or make you happy in some way. You don’t necessarily have to be a hoarder of material possessions to declutter. Consider unsubscribing to emails that are cluttering your inbox and taking up mental space.

Assess the people you choose to spend the your time with. Having emotionally depleting friends in your life can block positive energetic flow as well. Perhaps it’s time to set some energetic boundaries and start saying “no” to engagements that don’t fulfill you.

Ready to increase energy flow into your life with Reiki? Grab your free Reiki Self-Care E-Book today!

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Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

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