четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

The Easy Way To Quit Smoking That Actually Works!

the easy way to quit smoking

The easy way to quit smoking that doesn’t involve patches or suffering the pain of withdrawal may surprise you. Many people keen to kick the habit turn to nicotine patches, but what if I told you there was an easier way? You could save a small fortune on patches or nicotine gum. Stop focusing why you can’t stop smoking Yes, you heard it right!! The more you focus on negative words the harder it is to achieve any goal. You

who is abraham hicks

Who is Abraham Hicks you may ask? You’ve seen his name mentioned in many law of attraction books, but is he a real person? The answer may surprise you as Abraham is a non physical entity. Abraham is a group consciousness from a non physical realm. They describe themselves as source energy. This is energy in it’s purest form and is what we experience during overwhelming feelings of love or pure joy. How do you connect with source energy?

am i psychic

Am I psychic? This is a question many people ask, especially if they’re sensitive. The truth is we all possess an inbuilt sixth sense or intuition. This is our inner voice that guides us, however, being psychic is a bit different. Having a feeling something isn’t quite right is intuition. This serves to protect us from danger and is a type of safety mechanism. It can also tell you if something is good. For example, you may have a good

what is synchronicity

Many people ask what is synchronicity and how does it work. Read more as I share interesting and revealing information that will make you question many occurrences in your life and if it could be synchronicity at work. Have you ever found that sometimes things just fall into place? A series of events occur that seem to magically fit together. It’s almost as if some higher force has given you a helping hand. you ask for guidance and the

hooponopo to set intentions

You may know exactly what you want to achieve and even created goals, but why is nothing happening?

boost your immune system

Boost your immune system and enjoy better health and wellbeing. Your immune system is your body’s defense against illness and infection. It identifies cells that are unfamiliar and destroys them. This is vital for protecting your body against germs and bacteria. A weak immune system makes you vulnerable to colds and flu. Today I’m going to share ways that you can use to boost your immune system naturally and enjoy better health Laughter really is the best medicine Laughter

law of attraction for health

Your mind and body are very closely linked. Your thoughts and emotions can have a physical effect on your body. Can you really make the law of attraction for health work in your favour? Keep reading as I share powerful tips that may help you improve your health.. Feeling depressed or worried can trigger minor ailments such as itchy spots or mouth ulcers. I used to regularly suffer from migraines if I was worrying over something or felt anxious. Stress

rewire your brain

Rewire your brain and transform every area of your life! This may sound far fetched but your brain really can be rewired, not like a circuit board, but in a neurobiological way. Keep reading as I explain in easy to understand language. What is neuroplasticity? It was once thought that the brain was a fixed structure, but now scientists understand it to be pliable and constantly changing. neuroplasticity is simply the brain forming new ways of doing things. You see,

chakra clearing

Why Chakra Clearing May Help Make The Law Of Attraction Work In Your Favor. If you’re familiar with the idea of chakra clearing you’ll know how powerful it is in releasing blocked energy. As I’ve mentioned before everything in the universe is created from energy. This energy flows through your body and is in a constant state of motion. If you’re tired or unwell this will be reflected in your energy field. Feeling low or emotionally upset has a

Original article and pictures take magneticlawofattraction.com site

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