среда, 8 ноября 2017 г.

Tesla Code Secrets

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No matter how much we want to change, sometimes will isn't enough. Making change for life requires full-blown surrender and a commitment to new behavior. Here are four steps to activating (and keeping) that New Year's resolution:

Step 1: LISTEN. Deep down there is an inner voice guiding you to clear up old patterns and step in the right direction. Maybe that voice is telling you to drink less, lose weight, exercise more, or let go of the past. Or maybe that inner voice is begging you to be kinder to yourself.

Step 2: IDENTIFY. Write down what your intuition is saying. Be clear and specific. Maybe you're hearing something like: I am willing to forgive my mother, or I am going to change my poor eating habits, or I am going to go after that job I really want. Put pen to paper and write down the change that you desire.

Step 3: SURRENDER. True change can only occur when you let go of your need to control outcomes. To set the surrender in motion, take the intention you wrote down and burn it! This is the best way to release your intentions fully. (If you aren't near a hearth, flush the intention down the toilet.) Whatever it is, make some kind of ritualistic action that symbolizes your desire to release. Letting go of control is the biggest roadblock to a more fulfilling life.

Step 4: COMMIT. Create a mantra that signifies your intention to let go and change. For instance your mantra may be, I release my doubt. I am ready to change. Or if you're trying to eat more mindfully you can say, I make healthy food choices. I love myself with every bite. Choose a mantra that inspires you and use it whenever you fall back into old behavior or you become overwhelmed with doubt.

Your new life beckons.

Original article and pictures take www.manifestingtime.club site

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