среда, 8 ноября 2017 г.

Raise Your Vibration to Attract What You Want

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Why raise your vibration? Raising your vibration helps build momentum to move you forward towards the life you desire.

According to the law of attraction, we are able to attract what we want in life by holding space for that thought. By doing so, we allow the universe to deliver our goals to us. By holding positive energy, we attract positive results.

Note that raising your vibration isn’t just about having an attitude of gratitude and positive thoughts. Affirmations and visualizations are great manifesting techniques as well but we can take it a step further.

When you vibrate at the frequency of already having accomplished your goals, it would be easier for you to attract what you desire with the support of universal energy.

Rather than simply visualizing your goals, actually feel and live as if you already achieved the goals.

The first step is to start focusing on your feelings. Let’s use the example of manifesting a new car. Say you feel freedom when you are able to drive wherever you want, whenever you want. So take inspired actions that will align you to feeling freedom.

For instance, if you feel free when you are able to do what you want whenever you want, then start maybe it’s time to start saying “no” more often to activities taking up your free time. It may be a matter of setting boundaries with others so it frees up your time to do your own thing.

Ultimately, when you vibrate at the frequency of already having that sense of freedom, it would be easier for you to attract that same desired frequency with the support of universal energy.

Doing so allows you to vibrate at the same frequency of having already achieved those goals. Let me explain…

Most times we focus on tackling our blocks on a physical, emotional, and mental level. Rarely do we approach our problems from an energetic angle.

Incorporating energy healing into your routine can make all the difference in busting through stubborn blocks!

The law of attraction works with universal life force, Reiki. We all have the ability to utilize Reiki healing energy to deliver our goals.

As various mainstream media from Vanity Fair, Newsweek, to Oprah has covered holistic healing, many have wondered if energy healing is effective.

Here’s what I know to be true.

Years ago, I went through a series of personal and professional life crises.

Though most would describe me as an upbeat and down-to-earth gal, deep down, I was miserable. I tried everything but kept feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. In the midst of anxiety and bouts of depression, I kept changing jobs, moving locations…yet nothing seemed to work.

Here’s what happened at one of my lowest points…

Broke up with a guy that I was set on marrying…couldn’t stand my office job and cried myself to sleep on Friday nights because I dreaded Mondays…had a falling out with my best friend…and a meltdown in front of a manager…unfortunately, the list goes on.

Life was chaotic but that didn’t mean I had to stay at rock bottom.

For months, I worked with various energy healers and yoga mentors to clear blocks holding me back from tapping into my intuition. The clarity and insight I gained felt drastic once I faced my mental and emotional blocks.

I ended my work contract overseas and got on the airplane to move back to the US. Within 24 hours of landing, I bought my condo and car.

Yes…from the airport, to the hotel, then my realtor’s office, into the realtor’s car, viewed the condo, 20-minutes later, put down the offer. Next morning, I bought the Prius! Oh yeah, after getting unstuck, I met the man of my dreams less than a month later.

That was almost 3 years ago and I still have no buyers remorse on the car, condo, and am still madly in love with my Mr. Right! How did I make such large purchases in such a short amount of time with so much confidence and clarity? And so quickly?

Most times we manifest breakthroughs by tackling our challenges on a physical, emotional, and mental level. Rarely do we look at how to take on life challenges on the energetic level.

Don’t get me wrong, I stand by meditations, visualizations, journaling, and exercising as effective healing techniques that can feed the soul. In my experience, Reiki energy healing greatly complements all these helpful holistic practices.

Based on the law of attraction, when we raise our energetic vibrations, we are able to attract who and what we want into our lives.

Reiki energy healing works with the law of attraction to clear blocks and enhance your energetic health. Being consistent in incorporating energy work into your daily routine is key to boosting your vibrations.

Why? The key to getting to where you want to go in your personal and professional life is to be in alignment with the vibrational frequency of where you want to be.

One effective manifesting Reiki technique is to write down your goal on a piece of paper. A goal should be set in the positive. Be specific and include all the facts, dates, names, and so forth.

Carry that piece of paper in your purse, wallet or bathroom mirror so you can reflect on it throughout the day. As energy flows where the mind goes, having that reminder will help boost your vibrations.

After all, energy flows where the mind goes!

At one point in my life when I was miserable at my 9-5. I remember writing and rewriting my career goals. I made lists of what I wanted in my ideal work life.

Then, I would rewrite the lists and put it on sticky notes so it was the first thing I saw on my planner. As I got clearer on these specific work qualities, I became more focused and inspired.

By paying close attention to what I was seeking to attract into my life, I incorporated small shifts into my daily routine to feel and live as if I had already achieved my dream work life.

By doing so, I was actually channeling energy to manifest my career breakthrough at a faster rate.

When I hit my breaking point, I knew was ready to take that leap of faith from my 9-5, even without a Plan B. I was already vibrating at the frequency of the next chapter in my life.

Specifically, I had already surrounded myself with the right people to help me manifest Plan B in a matter of days.

There are a number of ways to boost your vibrations throughout the day regardless of your circumstances. Doesn’t have to be something big.

Start with small steps like singing a favorite song or wearing your favorite color. From there, consistently work your way up!

Ready to raise your vibes with the support of Reiki universal energy?

Grab your free Reiki Self-Care E-Book today!

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Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

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