Well, hello there! I am super excited about this post today, y’all! If you’ve been following along this month then you already know that I am a HUGE fan of The Miracle Morning. This book has seriously changed my life over the past 24 days! If you haven’t yet, you should check out my review of the book here.
In The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod explains a concept he calls ‘Level 10 Success’.
“If we’re measuring our levels of success/satisfaction in any area of our lives, we all want to be living our best lives at a ‘Level 10’ in each area. Creating your ‘Level 10 Life’ begins with creating an honest assessment of where you are.”
Over the weekend I was digging through my Miracle Morning Fast Start Kit and discovered an amazing tool that I hadn’t noticed before. Hal calls it the ‘Wheel of Life Assessment’.
The wheel of life assessment is a circle graph that is divided into 10 sections — one for each major area of focus in your life. Each section has a progress bar to fill in (from 1-10) with how satisfied you are with that area of your life.
The idea here is to take a quick ‘gut feeling’ assessment of how satisfied you are in each of your 10 areas of focus. This gives you a glimpse at your life satisfaction overall. It is also a great starting point to figure out what areas you need to improve first to start living your Level 10 Life.
Of course, me being the bullet journal fan that I am, I had to devote a whole spread to this exercise in my journal. The results were beautiful!

Those darker lines that you see are so that I can mark my progress as I strive for my level 10 life. That way I always know where I started when I look back. On the right side of the spread, I decided to jot down some quick goals and ideas to improve my life in each area.
That quote by Zig Ziglar has always been one of my favorites. I couldn’t think of a better place in my journal to use it!

After spending some time reviewing my assessment, I decided to take it all a step further. I wanted clear action steps to improve in each area, so I came up with the idea to write down 10 goals in each of the 10 categories. Each one getting me closer to my Level 10 Life.
So, without further ado, here are my 100 Level 10 Life Goals!
P.S. >> Keep in mind that while some of these goals are ongoing, these are all things that I would like to accomplish in the next 10 years, some more quickly than others :)
- Take Bella on a cross-country road trip.
- Keep in touch! (Email, Phone, Text, Facebook)
- Make plans with my local friends at least once per week.
- Take Bella & Mark to visit my dad in Florida.
- Take Bella & Mark to visit my mom in Georgia.
- Make an effort to be a better listener.
- Be as supportive as I can to my friends in need.
- Take Bella to Disney.
- Send hand-written letters to Bella when she is with her dad.
- Reach out to my sisters more often.
- Read at least one new book every month.
- Listen to nothing but podcasts while I’m driving.
- Keep up with my Miracle Morning practice.
- Attend a personal development seminar/retreat.
- Set personal goals at the beginning of every month & review them daily.
- Find and join online personal development groups. (Facebook, Google+)
- Improve my body language.
- Focus on always being positive towards others.
- Clearly define my core values and adhere to them in my daily life.
- Learn time management skills.
- Maintain a daily meditation practice.
- Learn more about the different forms of meditation.
- Develop and incorporate rituals into my life.
- Find and join meditation groups.
- Clearly define what my spirituality means to me.
- Develop and maintain a daily yoga practice.
- Become a meditation instructor.
- Become a yoga instructor.
- Keep a daily journal.
- Assess my state of mind nightly and re-align with my goals.
- Save 6 months of living expenses in an emergency fund.
- Pay off my credit card debt.
- Pay off my car.
- Have a positive net worth.
- Make enough to where 50% covers my bills. (the other 50% towards savings & giving)
- Buy a brand new car with CASH.
- Pay back my mom & step-dad for all the help they gave me when I was just starting out.
- Be able to send Bella to college without student loans.
- Hire a financial advisor.
- Have $100,000 in savings in 10 years.
- Attend a blogging conference.
- Speak at a conference.
- Write and publish a physical book.
- Create multiple streams of income.
- Become a life coach.
- Help 10 people achieve a life goal.
- Be interviewed on a popular podcast.
- Create a Meditation & Mindfulness YouTube Channel.
- Start a podcast of my own.
- Generate $5,000 in passive income in 1 month.

- Do something fun together once per week.
- Vacation just the 2 of us once per year.
- Go on a snowboarding trip!
- Do my fair share around the house.
- Say ‘I love you’ every day!
- Keep the romance alive. :)
- ‘Unplug’ together 1 hour every day. (no phones, TV, or laptops!)
- Cook together once per week.
- Mega-vacation to Europe!
- Celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary in Maui.
- Go skydiving (again).
- Buy a motorcycle.
- Learn calligraphy & hand-lettering.
- Take a solo international trip.
- Get together with local friends once per week.
- Ride a trolley in San Francisco.
- Go to culinary school.
- Take myself on a solo date once per month. (try something new!)
- Attend Burning Man
- Take a random weekend road trip with no destination in mind.
- Pay for a stranger’s groceries.
- Support a new small business owner to the tune of $1,000.
- Buy Christmas presents for a family in need.
- Research charities and pick THE one that I want to donate to.
- Take my 2 closest friends on an all expenses paid vacation.
- Volunteer in my local community.
- Fund the building of a public meditation park.
- Help a friend in need, no questions asked.
- Give a stranger a $100 bill.
- Pay the bridge toll for the 5 cars behind me.
- Frame and hang up pictures at home.
- Re-decorate my home office/studio.
- Buy new furniture that we need.
- Decorate our master bedroom.
- Develop and stick to a cleaning schedule.
- Organize the kitchen better.
- Create an indoor meditation space for when the weather turns cold.
- Go through and organize the dreaded ‘storage closet’.
- Re-vamp my wardrobe.
- Learn to make my own cleaning & personal care products.
- Attend a yoga/health retreat.
- Join a yoga studio and attend 5x per week.
- Complete a 7-day cleanse.
- Run a 5K (again).
- Run a Half Marathon (again).
- Run a Full Marathon.
- Complete a Whole30 Challenge.
- Be a vegetarian for 1 month.
- Complete P90X.
- Run a Tough Mudder.
Phew! That was quite the list, huh? As you can see, there are a lot of goals that are pretty far off time-wise but I just had to include them! Overall though, I feel like this entire list is completely attainable within the next 10 years. I’m so excited to start tackling this list and building my Level 10 Life.
What would your Level 10 Life look like?
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Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site
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