There's something truly magical about the moon. It's marked with imperfections and yet it is stunningly beautiful as it shines through all of its phases.
The moon is the only permanent natural satellite of the Earth and because of its proximity, the moon and the earth share this amazing gravitational bond. We know that the moon has the power to affect the tides and weather, it can even cause earthquakes. It is also believed that it has the power to affect our physical bodies and our emotions - given that after all, we are around 75% water.
Almost 70% of the Earth is covered by water, the majority of this is ocean. Humans contain about 75% water – mostly in the blood, of which is about the same salinity as the ocean!
We undoubtedly share a connection with the moon and Earth. Women are particularly under the influence of the moon. A lunar month is around 28 days - the same as a womans menstrual cycle. It is said that more babies are born during the full moon than any other time, more accidents and incidents occur around the full moon, and people's moods and emotions are also affected.
The moon itself also reflects to us that as is each moon phase cyclical, the nature of life is also. It lights up the dark night, and has been used throughout time as a powerful navigational tool. Using the moons natural lunar cycle is a great way to deepen this inherent bond that we share and become more aligned with the Universe. Navigate your journey with the moon.
Inspired by this blog we have created a The Eight Phase Mala (and a bracelet) for the purpose of manifestation (aka - "doing" or working on areas of your life) with the moon and using it power and influence to help your intentions (aka - what you want to happen) come into reality.
It's purely 108 beads, no counters, no tassel or guru. Each type of gemstone represents one phase. It's cyclical (like the moon phases) rather than symmetrical. Let us know what you think and feel free to leave a comment below.
The Moon Phases

The New Moon
Symbolism: Renewal and reflection
The new moon is a time of reflection and renewal. Out with the old and in with the new. It's time to let go of anything that is holding you back and create space in your life. During the new moon, take some time to sit and think about what you want to work on this lunar month. Write your intentions down in your journal. Say them out loud and affirmate them, mediate on them. Feel them with every inch of your being. Light a candle to mark the beginning of this lunar month.
Mantra: I celebrate the commencement of a new beginning.

The Waxing Crescent
Symbolism: Having confidence and taking action
Your power is increasing during the waxing crescent phase. Now is the time to manifest and move in on your intentions. Have confidence in your ability and believe in yourself. Use mantras and affirmations to help remind you of your power and your intentions.
Mantra: My power is increasing, I am taking action.

The Waxing Quarter
Symbolism: Taking action and overcoming obstacles.
Gemstones for the waxing quarter: Botswana agate, garnet, peridot, malachite.
Also known as the first quarter, you are building on and taking action to reinforce your intentions.
Mantra: I am strong and I am capable of receiving the light of my intentions.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon
Symbolism: Trust
Gemstones for the waxing gibbous: Prehnite, aquamarine
It is about three nights until the full moon. Now it is time to trust that the perfect outcome to your intentions is coming into fruition. Take the time to prepare to receive what you intended through meditation and visualization.
Mantra: I have trust that the universe will deliver me the very best outcome at this time. Everything is as it should be.

The Full Moon
Symbolism: Gratitude and letting go. Reflection and release.
The full moon is the most powerful phase. Give gratitude and thanks for the first half of your lunar journey and all that you have achieved during this time. It's time to move ahead and carry on in the direction that your intention was carrying you, or if your intention did not come to light, let the intention go, knowing that it wasn't the right time to take that path right now.
Mantra: I am grateful for all that I have received and I will carry what I have learned into my future.

The Waning Gibbous Moon
Symbolism: Identification of thoughts, feelings and habits. Taking time out.
Gemstones for the waning gibbous: Bloodstone, picture jasper, tigers eye, garnet, peridot, amazonite, ocean jasper, pink zebra jasper, other types of jasper.
Also known as the disseminating moon. If your intention has been received, carry it with you and give gratitude. If a blockage has come up or something has come between you and what you intended. now is a time to reflect on it and release it. Meditation can be useful to identify your thoughts, feelings and energy. Either way, now that your lunar light is diminishing, it is time start to take some time out for yourself.
Mantra: I am open to my thoughts and feelings. I am taking time out for me.

The Waning Quarter
Symbolism: Giving back/ service. Meditation and reflection.
Gemstones for the waning quarter: Chrysocolla, apatite, rose quartz.
Also known as the last quarter. This phase is about giving back to the universe. Now that you have received your intention you can indeed shine your light onto the world with abundance and a renewed energy. If you did not receive your intention, now is the time to reflect on and release your habit energies, recurring thoughts or action that are holding you back from creating what you want. Now you have the strength to dive deep and break those habit forces holding you back.
Mantra: I look for ways to shine my light upon the universe in return for all the light it shines on me.

The Waning Crescent
Symbolism: Stillness and restoration
Also known as the balsalmic moon. This phase occurs 3 nights before the new moon. Now is the time for restoration and stillness as we move towards a new beginning with a clear head and an open heart. Give thanks and gratitude for all that you have created and learned this lunar cycle. Nurture and love yourself for all that you are and rest your soul. Light a candle to mark the end of the lunar month.
Mantra: I am still.

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