четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

How To Manifest Love: 6 Proven Tricks

How To Manifest Love: 6 Proven Techniques

The human race is ultimately driven by our biology; we all possess the urge to merge! Love is a fundamental human need; we all crave partnership and affection. Long-term partnerships are one thing that distinguishes us from the animal kingdom. Human babies will actually die if they’re deprived of touch!

So it’s no surprise that one of the most popular uses for manifesting is for attracting love!

While I’ve talked on the blog before about using Feng Shui to attract love, I haven’t yet tackled how to manifest for love.

So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day (or Singles Awareness Day ), let’s dive in with some proven manifesting techniques.

The Love Spell Caveat

I’m not a fan of specific love potions. After all, we don’t want to fuck with anyone’s free will. Remember that what you put out there you’ll also get back!

So while it’s okay to ask for love in a general way, it’s kind of a gray area about whether you want to focus in on that cute guy in accounting specifically. Do what you will of course, but that’s my love spell advice.

How To Manifest Love: 6 Proven Tricks

1. Get Clear On What You Want

Let’s start your manifesting adventure by getting detailed about what you really want. What does being in love really look like for you? There’s no such thing as a perfect one-size-fits-all relationship. What lights you up might drive your BFF totally crazy! We all have different needs: someone to play video games with, someone to travel with, maybe even someone to build a company with.

So think about your desires and expectations and write them all down. Go beyond physical looks and occupation. What are your must-have’s? Your nice-to-have’s? What activities are important to share? And most importantly, how do you want this person to make you feel?

Finding a romantic relationship is so much more than just finding someone who ticks the superficial boxes (like tall, dark and handsome). It’s important to get clear about your own expectations for your romantic relationships for two reasons. The first is you you’ll need to recognize it when you see it. The second is that not just anyone can make you happy!

When you’re feeling lonely or unlovable, it’s easy to get excited by anyone who shows you a teeny bit of attention. But when you’re clear about your own needs, it’s much easier to determine whether the relationship is actually a good fit or just “good enough”.

(And you can do so much better than good enough!)

The Universe loves specificity. The more specific you can be with your love intention, the faster they will manifest. Just thinking about “being in love” is not very specific! But thinking about the who, what and how of what you want is.

2. Recognize It

Love encompasses much more than just romantic love. It’s actually all around you, day in and day out. If you’re coming from a scarcity mentality, the biggest hurdle to overcome is your own perception of it. Love is not a rare or unusual thing so you need to stop thinking about it that way.

Begin by training yourself to notice love in the world around you, from your personal relationships to images in media to the people in your neighbourhood. For example, I’ve felt my heart break a little (in a good way!) from watching older couples walk down the street hand in hand. Despite all the madness in the world at large, love is still plentiful. All you need to do is train yourself to see it.

The law of attraction teaches that you focus on always expands. So if you want to experience more love in your life, start noticing the million and one ways it’s manifesting in front of you every day.

3. Reframe Your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs run rampant, especially when it comes to finding true love and romantic relationships. There’s a million lame excuses I’ve heard from people looking for partners! But it’s important to realize that those excuses are usually just a defence mechanism. When we feel rejected or unlovable, we want to point the blame elsewhere.

To see if you’re suffering from limiting beliefs, start to notice any definitive negative statements you might be making (or thinking) about love: “There aren’t any good men left”, “I’m too old”, “I’m too unattractive” etc.

The first step is to recognize is that these statements aren’t even true! Yet we cling to them rather than taking ownership for our actions.

Secondly, it’s critical to realize that your beliefs literally create the world you live in. So do you want to live in a world where no one can commit or great partners are scarce? If not, then it’s time to stop thinking and saying those very things! Remember that a handful of lacklustre dating experiences are not a good barometer for the entire population. Take a deep breath and try to have a little perspective about yourself and the dating experience as a whole.

(Need some inspiration? I loved this recent Humans of New York post! It just goes to show you never have to give up on love, even when you’re 85-90. )

4. Date Yourself

It’s true what they say: you need to love yourself before anyone else can. So take a look at your own self-care routine. Hopefully you’re covering your basic needs at the minimum: getting enough sleep, eating well and doing physical exercise.

But when was the last time you did something for yourself that was truly indulgent? You don’t have to wait for the guy to show up before you start doing the things that you truly enjoy! Think of this as self care on steroids. It might mean getting a pedicure, booking a weekend away or just going out for a nice glass of wine all on your own. Getting out there and actually doing the things you like is a great way of telling the Universe what you want more of.

Remember, if you don’t love and treat yourself well, it’s going to be difficult for other people to do so. You teach the world how you want to be treated. So no matter how down or lonely you might be feeling, aim to make self-care a big priority.

5. Send Out Your Love

Now that you’ve spent some time learning to recognize love in the world around you, it’s time to start giving it back. Love is a strong frequency and sending love into the world just means you’re going to receive more of it back.

Metta meditation (also known as loving kindness meditation) is a wonderful way to do this. This simple practice simply involves sending out loving intentions to the people around you.

Giving away your energy might seem strange at first but look at it this way:
You know that feeling when you’re really excited to give a gift to a friend? Metta meditation should feel that good and exciting! (Plus it’s particularly effective when you direct your meditation towards someone that you’re currently irritated or upset with.)

When it comes to romance, you can also practice sending love towards a particular person or crush. But there’s a catch. Love must always be given freely! If you start to send your love their way with the strong intention that this person is going to fall in love with you in return, you’re essentially casting a love spell. (Which can be a violation of free will and might open up a host of other issues. Be careful what you wish for, basically.)

On the other side, love given freely is a beautiful entity and giving that energy away feels good (for both people). And if you’re an incredibly crush-prone person (like me!), that’s an incredibly empowering thing.

6. Write Them A Letter

Words are powerful miniature spells in their own right. You always have the power to speak your desires into existence.

So think back to the dream relationship you wrote down in the first exercise. Why not start talking to that person like they’re actually here? You totally can. What would you be saying to them right now? First thing in the morning? Last thing before bed? Have a conversation out loud with them in your car or in the shower. Or if you can’t bring yourself to actually do it out loud, write a letter, email or even a nice long text.

Having conversations or writing letters isn’t crazy. It’s actually just a powerful visualization exercise. It’s envisioning yourself in that happy fictional future and it’s by far one of the best ways I’ve found to feel those loving feelings before the event actually happens.

So though it sounds a little nutty, don’t scoff because feeling is always the real trick to manifesting!

And again, this exercise works best when you’re not envisioning an actual person in this role. We don’t want to fuck up our magic but pulling on someone else’s energetic chain. Everyone is entitled to their own free will, which is why I advocate doing non-specific love spells instead of specific ones.

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How To Manifest Love

I hope this post inspires you to start manifesting some more love into your life, in whatever way is best for you. Thank you so much for reading & I’m sending you lots of luck and love in your adventures.

PS Looking for more? You might also want to check out this post about how to find your happy or this one about 3 powerful magickal home rituals.

Original article and pictures take www.thealignedlife.co site

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