Through the Law Of Attraction we have learnt that what we focus on we attract into our lives. Our focus is driven by our thoughts and feelings so how can we make sure our thoughts are pulling us in the right direction? Below are 4 tips to help you with your thoughts and focus.

1. Accept that you can not control your thoughts. This may sound like a crazy thing to say in an article about controlling thoughts but it is true. You can not always control your thoughts and trying to do so can actually cause you to think it more. Try not to think about a monkey, tell yourself not to think about a monkey ten times and I guarantee you will be thinking about a monkey for hours. So if you have a negative thought you need accept it and then move on.

2. Replace any negative thoughts with a positive thought. Once you have accepted your negative thought actively replace it with a corresponding positive thought. If you are trying to use the Law of Attraction for money then an example of a negative thought may be “why don’t I have enough money”. This thought is negative because you are focusing on not having enough, the thought is stated in the negative. You can replace this thought with “what can I do today to save some money” or “what can I do today to make some extra money”. These thoughts are both positive.
What natural phenomenon do you become when you get mad?

3. Prime your mind to be positive with affirmations. Affirmations are a great way to put yourself into a positive state of mind. An affirmation is a short phrase that you can say to yourself at anytime to focus your thoughts on your desired outcomes. Affirmations such as “Everyday I am attracting money into my life.” or “I believe completely that I am attracting my soul mate.” are a great way to prime your mind for positivity. You should choose there or four positive affirmations that will help you and start your day with them and also revisit them many times during the day. Write them down and keep them close for when you need a little bit of inspiration.

4. Learn to meditate. A lot of people look at meditation as a waste of time but the practice of mediation is all about controlling your mind. When you meditate the goal is to clear your mind of all thoughts which as we know is very difficult. By meditating daily you will learn the skills to help you have more control over your thoughts and understand better how your mind works.

So the answer to the question of how can you control your thoughts is simply that you can not. What you can do is to accept that you will have negative thoughts, let these thoughts take their course and replace them with more empowering thoughts that support your goals. Use positive affirmations and try meditation to put your self in the right frame of mind to start attracting everything you want into your life with the Law of Attraction.
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