четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

How the Law of Detachment Works

Feel like giving up on a goal? That’s actually not such a bad thing. When manifesting goals, Reiki works with the law of detachment. The moment we let go of how we want an outcome to turn out is the moment Universal energy (Reiki) can start getting to work.

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Part of co-creating with the Universe requires active allowance. I’m not talking about patiently waiting around for something to happen, but rather actively allowing the Universe to do its part in configuring what is not in your control.

There’s a difference between doing “busy work” to figure out how to achieve your goals. That’s when we end up getting in the way of our own manifesting. Why not take a more direct path by allowing the Universe to guide you along the way?

When we actively allow, we are being open to receive signs, symbols and synchronicities from the Universe to guide us towards the next steps.

Furthermore, by tapping into our intuition, we are better able to receive messages from the Universe when it comes time to take inspired action. Remember, inspired action is very different from doing unproductive “busy work.”

When we detach from a particular outcome, we create space to receive guidance from the Universe. We also are better able to shift your focus from anxious thoughts to faith and hope. In turn, this creates space for positive energy flow as we align our energy to a higher vibration.

What does the Universe actually do when we align our energy to a higher vibration? A whole lot of the behind the scenes stuff from aligning the timing of the job opening to preparing that soul mate to enter into our life. Without being able to see the behind the scenes stuff, it’s hard to release control to the Universe. I totally get it.

I’ve left jobs multiple times throughout my professional career. One period of unemployment really stood out. Two weeks after resigning, I interviewed with a big corporate company. I thought, wow the Universe was working faster than I expected!

I received a verbal job offer within that week. However, the director who interviewed me resigned about two weeks later…so the momentum on my job offer dropped. A month later, I received a call from the hiring manager about the next steps needed to continue processing my offer.

A week later, a new recruiter came on board and took over the account. The ball dropped again. And then something else came up during the hiring process yet again.

By then, months had gone by so I knew better than to hold my breath. I was ready to give up. Heck, it was so emotionally draining that I gave up hope on the Universe too. I gave up on having faith in the Universe and even doubted the power of Reiki energy. Screw the law of attraction!

Yet the moment I let go of the “when” and “how” my career would manifest, opportunities started to appear left and right. It was the law of detachment at its best. According to the Law of Detachment, wisdom lies in times of uncertainty.

“In the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.” – Deepak Chopra, Chopra.com

We all have the power to exercise our free will. Rather than surrendering our power to our circumstances, we can take back our power by focusing on what we can control.

Energy flows where attention goes. What we can’t control takes consistent detachment. It’s not a one time mindset switch. It takes consistent practice to detach and refocus our energy.

Remember, the path that you are on right now, this is where you’re heading to, but it’s within your control to change your future. Start to align your energy by releasing negative feelings of unfairness and resistance to change.

Begin to accept that what has happened has happened. The longer that you attach to a particular outcome, the longer those negative emotions will stick around.

Ready to manifest your goals with the support of Reiki techniques? Enjoy a free Reiki Self-Care E-Book today!

reiki, reiki energy, energy healing, holistic healing, chakras, balance chakras, law of attraction,


Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

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