We know that crystals have many amazing healing properties, but they can also be used to attract money, success, prosperity & abundance by being a vibrational match to that type of energy, that frequency.
And lest you start getting all funky on me b/c I mentioned the word “MONEY”, please go read my blog post here first b/c I’m simply not going to entertain any money funkiness over here on my blog.
So first things first. In order to attract all that good stuffs I just mentioned above…you need to have cleared your mind of any old thought patterns you might be harboring that tell you do not have enough, you’ll never succeed or that you’re lacking in some way. We absolutely can use crystals as tools & supports to help us attract what we seek. Like attracts like, so first we must re-define our way of thinking.
I know…that sounds like a tall order.
But—let me ask you. When I say the words “success, prosperity, abundance”; what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
For a lot of people, that’s going to be money.

Don’t feel bad if you’re one of those people—in our culture, we’ve basically been programmed to believe this from the get go.
Mindset Change
I bet you’ve heard the phrase, “Money can’t buy happiness.” I’d like to give you a different one to think about & perhaps integrate into your new abundance mindset (which is crucial if you’d like to use crystals to attract abundance). And that new mindset is:
Happiness CAN buy money!
It’s true.
Happiness is an energy, a currency of sorts. Perhaps it’s not one that you can fold up & keep in your wallet or deposit into a piggy bank on top of your dresser, but when you’re able to cultivate a happy, positive energy about money—including not hating those who have more of it than you do, or seemingly acquire it more easily than you do—you’ll naturally make yourself more attractive to it.

How do I know? B/c I’ve been on both sides of that coin. I’ve been super poor, not able to scrounge up enough coins to go do my laundry, eating stale bread and drinking a diet coke for dinner, waitressing my ass off working double shifts while snarling my lip at the seemingly comfy people I was waiting on. They didn’t do anything to be hated on, but I just did b/c they were able to go out & enjoy themselves, were dressed well, drove a nice car & seemed to be doing well.
What a mindset I had! As long as I stayed in that cycle I was going to continue to attract more & more of that. And I did.
The Law of Attraction
I bet that’s a phrase you’ve heard a time or two before, too. If your attitude about money, success, prosperity & abundance in general—is that you’re lacking, that’s exactly what you’re going to have coming: not enough!
One of the best things you can is to take a good step back & look at all the wonderful, sparkly things that are happening in your life that you CAN be grateful for. It doesn’t have to be something monumental—though those things count, too!—it can be something so small that you might not even realize you’re grateful for it until you examine it a little more closely. And it’s one of the best feelings to realize that, while your life might not be exactly how you envision it, that there are plenty of things happening that you can, in fact, be super-grateful for. You might be far more prosperous & successful than you realize!
So now that we’ve talked about how you can begin to shift your mindset, let’s look into some other ways that you can start to attract more abundance and prosperity into your life.
Success & Abundance Attracting Crystal Grid
If you’re unfamiliar with the term…a crystal grid is:
a geometric pattern of energetically aligned stones that are charged by intention. They’re set in a sacred space in order to manifest whatever objective it is you have.
(BTW, I wrote a best-selling book all about crystal grids over here).
You may know I used to be a science teacher back in the day. I loved that job, but eventually, I wanted to leave in order to focus all my energies on my sacred crystal business. I took the scary leap in 2012 & did so successfully with a crystal grid assist! Here are the details on that specific crystal grid.
I LOVE to use crystal grids to support me in whatever my next vision is…and they do so beautifully each time.
Here’s a current one that I have working in my space now specifically for pushing my sacred biz up to the next level while also giving me plenty of soul-nourishment. To achieve this I needed to choose crystals that would enhance spirit & soul nourishment as well as business mojo.
Here’s what I chose…
- My large amethyst point (I’ve affectionately names him Amy Bro) & some amethyst tumblies…for divine connection, allowing me to recognize & surrender to my spiritual power when needed.
- Citrine smaller tumbled stones for the biz mojo energy! Citrine is known as the merchant’s stone & also assists with manifestation.
- Clear quartz points for amplifying the energy of this grid & directing outwards..to the universe & beyond!

- A citrine spirit quartz specimen – this piece was key for combining the energy of citrine along with that of spirit quartz which is about connecting with my higher self while also dispelling any fears that may come up on this up-leveling journey!
And here’s exactly what I did step by step:
- I chose the Flower of Life symbol as my grid template (you can also print one out on paper).
- On a few post-it notes I wrote some well-thought out affirmations to place under my large amethyst center stone & the citrine spirit quartz (I’ll be keeping those affirmations private, thanks. A girl’s gotta keep some stuff to herself).
- Gave myself some time to just sit there among all the things I’d gathered, thinking everything through, infusing them with my clear intentions.
- Arranged everything on the grid cloth very symmetrically ( I feel this is key in a crystal grid!)
- I also added a few magazine cut-outs (tucked under the center stone); things that suggested what life would be like when my desire transformed into reality. Not COULD be like, but WOULD be like!
Voila! The completed grid. Take a look-see!

And is this crystal grid working? You better believe it!!
In fact, it’s working so well that I’ve just returned from a blissful rejuvenating & soul nourishing sabbatical for the past 2 months, while my biz continued to grow & support me, itself, my beloved students, the Sparkle Team and our larger community of Crystal Hotties. ♥
Tweak it!
One of the really fabulous things about this, too, is that you can tweak the crystal grid as your goals evolve. This is not a static thing.
You can continue to work with your crystal grid, adding to it, tweaking it as you grow and as your goals change or get more fine tuned. I’ve certainly done that time & time again. My goals get more specific & detailed and I simply tweak away.
Now, I know that it can sound like a mighty big undertaking, to totally shift your way of thinking. I know it was really hard to let go of beliefs & perceptions that I had programmed into me for decades…but you’ll truly be amazed when you realize how empowering it is to be able to create exactly what it is that you need in life & manifest it up. And a crystal grid can help you get there even quicker!
Attracting success, prosperity and abundance is not only empowering, but can be fun too. Heck , I know I’m having a lot more fun now than when I was too busy working double shifts waitressing & snarling my lip!!
Give it a go Sparkly One. Work on your mindset, get that sorted out, then gather up your crystals and tools and get creating! You can do this, you can change your life and attract abundance and prosperity. There’s enough for everyone.
So, you gonna do it? I’d love to hear about your money-attracting Abundance & Prosperity Crystal Grid. Don’t be shy, share with me in the comments below!
Abundant Crystal Blessings,
Hibiscus Moon

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