четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

7 Tips to Make Yourself a Magnet for Miracles

As the yogic lifestyle emphasizing mind over matter has gained in popularity in the Western world, modern day man’s search for meaning has come to include the idea of manifestation - calling forth what it is you want in life. Books like The Secret have become a modern day manifesto for those who want to “get it.” Marketing gurus and media mavens alike have capitalized on the trend, and people spend their hard earned cash to “learn” the secrets of how to “get” more.

People spend tons of time and energy reading books, making vision boards, and speaking positively about what it is they want to attain. Sadly, many people end up horribly disappointed. The six pack abs aren’t showing up - just the six pack of beers after last night’s realization that the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend turned out to be a total waste of time, and you’re afraid to open your mail because the bills are completely out of control. (Not only was that perfect girlfriend/boyfriend a total waste of time, but a waste of money too; now you’ve gotta pay interest on that expensive date you couldn’t afford in the first place!) WTF gives?! Where’s the STUFF?!

If that scenario sounds shockingly familiar, Spirit Junkie Gabby Bernstein has a powerful reminder for all “manic manifesters”- get out of your own way! Stop worrying about “how” you can “get” something and remember that you deserve to receive. And most importantly - give! Sometimes giving can be as simple as LETTING GO of worries.

“Worrying is a magnet for chaos,” she says. “Stop the self talk. WAIT. ‘Why am I talking?’ Change your conversation. Celebrate! Practice being comfortable where you are at, and you will become a magnet for miracles.”

Here are Gabby’s simple tips to become a magnet for miracles and a master of manifestation:

1. Think creatively and in innovative ways. Sometimes we are so committed to the idea of how things “should” look, we attach to those ideas, even though something far better may be coming. Unless we let go of fear and allow ourselves to think creatively and innovatively, we may miss our first class private jet because we were expecting our transportation to show up in the form of a life raft.

2. Be faithfully committed. Recognize fear but commit to love. The more you commit to love, the more love will show up. Despite the fact that there may be fear, remain faithful and committed to love and miracles.

3. Pray every day. Every day pray.

4. Release. Let go of expectations about what your manifestation should look like. Let go of worries that it won’t come. Let go of guilt at experiencing fear or worry.

5. Be certain. “Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and can wait without anxiety,” says Gabby’s go-to text, A Course in Miracles.

6. Maintain an attitude of gratitude, appreciation, happiness, and joy. No matter what we think of our individual circumstances, we are fortunate. We aren’t alone in whatever it is we’re wanting. But are we taking the time to appreciate what we have?! How can we expect to receive more if we aren’t appreciating all that we have all ready been given? Be vibrant!

7. Expect miracles. A miracle is simply the moment we have a change in perception.

Perhaps there won’t be a brand new car in your driveway tomorrow. But I guarantee if you put these tips to the test, you won’t even care, because you’ll be happy to be on foot, enjoying the beautiful weather, while everyone else is stuck with outrageous gas prices and traffic jams.

Original article and pictures take www.mindbodygreen.com site

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