Can’t seem to get out of that funk? Tried affirmations, visualizations, meditation and just about everything?
I understand. In the past, I’ve spent years spinning my wheels. So if you’ve lost patience, no worries. I got you covered. In fact, you may be closer to that breakthrough than you think.
Not too long ago, I was able to take multiple leaps of faith to get to tackle some big setbacks.
This included moving to a different city to start over and buying my car and condo within 24 hours of moving to that city….all in the midst of very challenging times in my personal and professional life.
Even during times when there was a lot of chaos in my world, I was able to make major decisions with clarity. I had full confidence that I was on the right track.
Manifesting breakthroughs are can be simplified once you know some key techniques! Every challenging period has a breaking point and most of these obstacles weaken without showing any obvious signs of weakening.
So where does a girl start? Small and consistent baby steps with Reiki energy healing tips.
Yes, incorporate simple yet powerful Reiki techniques into your busy lifestyle.
See, I was finally able to get out from that cycle of hitting rock bottom when I began to work with Reiki energy healers. They eventually taught me how to heal myself with Reiki.
Learning how to work with Reiki and the law of attraction helped me overcome many more challenges after that.
Whether you hit a wall or are starting to feel something isn’t quite working out, then it’s time to harness the power of Reiki energy help you to raise your vibes and get out of that funk.
Raising your energetic vibrations to match the frequency of where you want to be helps you to be more aligned with your goals. It helps you speed up your manifestation. And who doesn’t want to reach their dream goals faster?
Raising your vibes also allows you to live a lifestyle of more peace and balance. We all know in today’s busy world, that’s hard to come by!
See everything is made up of energy. Remember in elementary school when we were taught about solids, liquids and gases. And all the atoms that makes things up vibrate at some capacity? Gases more so than liquids. Liquids more so than solids.
Thus, we are all made up of atoms. We vibrate at our current frequency. Where we want to go in life, maybe that’s obtaining that dream career or ideal weight, that’s the version of us vibrating at a higher frequency.
So when we raise our vibes to match the frequency of that next chapter of our lives, that helps speed up the manifestation process.
Ready to take it up a notch? If you tried just about everything, it’s probably just a few minor tweaks needed in your manifesting methods.

Add these 3 uncommon steps to your manifesting tool box:
1. Let go of the “how”. Say you want to manifest a million dollars. Let go of the “how” you will get the money.
See, you have your part to do in manifesting your goals and desires. But, so does the Universe. Allow the Universe to support you! When you raise your vibrations to attract who and what you want into your life, the law of attraction kicks in.
2. Figure out the “what.” Many times people say they want a million dollars but that isn’t actually what they want. They want to live comfortably, vacation in the Bahamas, or work less so they have more time to spend doing what they want to do.
Sometimes, what we actually want in life will come to us, but in different forms. For instance, maybe you’ve been laid off of work and received a huge severance package to be able to afford that Bahamas vacay. Bottom line: Get specific on what exactly it is that you want so the Universe can deliver accordingly.
Bonus: Let go of the “when” while you’re at it! Obsessing “when” you’ll manifest a million bucks is only going to slow down the manifesting. It causes you to lose focus on the “why”…
3. Get clear on the “why”. We tend to lose motivation when manifesting because we lose sight of our “why”. Say you want to work less so you can spend more time with your family and friends. So therein lies your “why”.
You want more work life balance. By getting clear on your why, this helps to keep you motivated. It gives you a focus when working towards that goal.
During your meditations, journaling, or other manifesting techniques, take it a step further. Reflect on your ideal day. When you envision your ideal day, what does it feel like?
Energy flows where the mind goes. SO start to live your life as if you have already achieved the results you want. By raising your vibes to match the frequency of where you want to be, you are speeding up your manifestation.
Ready to start manifesting faster breakthroughs today?
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