четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

When affirmations do more harm than good

You may (or may not have!) noticed that I didn’t post last week.

I actually did feel quite bad about that, but it ended up working out because the events of last week that caused me not to post (I’ll get into it later), have ended up being my inspiration for not one, but two juicy little posts this week.

So let’s start with affirmations, and how they so did not help me when I was feeling like poo last week.

Affirmations are statements you say to yourself repeatedly, whether it’s out loud, in your head or written down.

Negative affirmations are those negative thoughts that pop up about our situations and our self-image, time and time again. Every time you describe yourself using the words, ‘I am’, whatever follows after that is an affirmation.

The things we repeatedly say to ourselves become beliefs. These beliefs are key to what we manifest into our lives.

So if you’re constantly saying things like:

‘I am stupid.’

‘I am ugly.’

‘I am so unlucky.’

You are going to attract situations in your life that make you feel more stupid, more ugly and more unlucky.

Um. Who wants that??

This is why positive affirmations are commonly used to help you transform negative situations and beliefs. They work in the same way:

Science supports the power of positive affirmations. Affirmations are basically a form of auto-suggestion, and when practiced deliberately and repeatedly, they reinforce chemical pathways in the brain, strengthening neural connections.” – Live Bold and Bloom

So basically, the more we engage in positive self-talk, the more our brains will start to believe it. And as you know:


It’s important to choose your affirmations very carefully, even the positive ones. Because not all positive affirmations have such a positive effect.

When positive affirmations have a negative effect

Last week I had a down day.

A proper down day. I just woke up in the morning and I felt super sad.

Nothing in particular had happened to make me feel that way. I just allowed a negative thought, triggered by a photo I’d seen of someone from my past, to open a floodgate of negative emotions I thought I’d dealt with. See how powerful just one, single negative thought can be?

I was conscious of the fact that I was feeling very down, which was probably not helping my situation – and started trying my best to turn it around.

I listened to some Abraham Hicks talks on YouTube (we need to talk about Abraham Hicks by the way – post coming soon!) as I got ready in the morning, and when I got home from work I did a few of my mood-boosters, you know, got a good workout in, did some journaling and filled in my gratitude journal for the day.

I started to feel better, but I still didn’t feel 100%, so I decided to end my day with some positive affirmations. Instead of using my own, I searched on YouTube and found a series of affirmations called ‘Manifest while you sleep’.

I’m not linking to it for reasons that will become clear as you read on, but you can still find them by typing that in if you want to check them out for yourself.

They have videos on lots of different subjects – money, health etc. As the feelings I needed to work through were relationship-based, I went for affirmations regarding the same subject. I’d tried these affirmations before, on a different subject (I can’t remember which one, I think they were more general ones as I was feeling pretty good at the time) but I just could not fall asleep while listening to them.

But this particular night, seemed like the perfect night to try again.

It sounded like such a good idea. I pop my headphones in and have a snooze while this man with a very soothing, whispery-like voice and an American accent speaks affirmations to my subconscious mind and I wake up feeling like a new woman.

Except, that’s not quite how it worked out.

The man said I shouldn’t worry if I fall asleep. I should allow myself to drift off – my subconscious will still hear everything he says, he said.

So I got into a nice place of relaxation and started listening – but as soon as the affirmations started, again, I couldn’t drift off.

And then something worse happened – I started to feel frustration.

As he repeated these affirmations, I could hear my mind arguing back with him.

He’d be like, “You are in a loving, stable relationship with your perfect partner,”

And I’d be like, “No I’m not, I’m single AF!!!”


I laugh now, but actually, some of these affirmations were really making me feel bad. They were stirring up even more emotions, because they were reminding me of what I didn’t have.

They were frustrating me because they were doing the opposite of what I had intended them to do. They were causing me to think more negative thoughts.

So I had to turn it off before I could sleep, just like last time.

I don’t remember thinking there was a problem or feeling frustrated last time – but that’s probably because I wasn’t in such an emotional place. My experience this time around showed me that I obviously wasn’t able to connect with the affirmations, therefore I wasn’t able to relax enough to sleep.

Never use affirmations that you don’t believe

Simply repeating “I am a millionaire” every night will not make you a millionaire.

Telling yourself that you are in a beautiful relationship with the love of your life will not do any good when you’re in an unhappy relationship or single as ever.

Don’t try to play yourself. You’re smarter than that

Using affirmations that you know aren’t true will not help your situation in any way – if you don’t believe it, you can’t attach a feeling to it. It can’t make you feel good, hopeful, positive or happy – therefore it will not work.

Your brain will probably react the same way mine did – it will come up with counterthoughts and arguments because you can’t lie to yourself and that’s exactly what you do when you use affirmations like these.

And then you end up thinking negative thoughts, thinking about everything you don’t have that this affirmation is telling you that you do.

Positive affirmations that are actually positive

Here are some examples of affirmations I love for manifestation and why they work.

I am the creator of my life. I build its foundation and choose its contents.

What an amazing reminder to stay positive, and reinforce the fact that you that you are in total control of your life.

The perfect partner is on his/her way to me and will arrive sooner than I expect.

If you’re looking for love, this is the affirmation for you!

Your brain can’t argue with it – who says it isn’t true?

How do you know that the perfect partner isn’t on their way to you when you don’t know what’s around the corner?

This doesn’t have to start with ‘The perfect partner’ by the way. Swap this with ‘Good things’, ‘Money’ or whatever it is you’re trying to manifest.

I am fully open to the flow of abundance in my life now.

Oh yasss money makers!

So you might not be a millionaire just yet – but if you want to make more money and abundance is something that you’re looking to manifest then this affirmation is not a lie!

You are open to the flow of abundance in your life, and repeating an affirmation like this will open your eyes to more opportunities to increase abundance.

I have the qualities I need to be successful

When you think about what success means to you, and what you need to achieve to be successful in your own right, what do you think of? Whether it’s reaching the top of your career or starting a family, if it’s what you want the most, you are aligned with it.

You feel that desire and passion for a reason. Your soul wants it. So guess what? You will have been created with everything you need to achieve it. The universe will bring you all the resources and connections you need to build on your weaker areas, leading you towards your goal, natural progression. That’s what makes this affirmation so true!

I deserve to be happy and live an amazing life

Don’t you? Of course, you do! This affirmation is simple, yet so powerful because it is true and when you start to believe it – it will lead you to make the best decisions for yourself and your life.

It will lead you to more things that make you happy and give you the confidence to say no to anything that doesn’t feel right to you. That can be hard sometimes!

I am blessed

You are blessed. Even if you don’t feel it right now, this affirmation is true for you. If you’re reading this now, you’re reading from a phone, tablet or computer – so already that makes you blessed.

Not everyone has access to these kinds of things – things we take for granted. When you say this to yourself it will encourage you to think about the blessings you have in your life – family, friends, food, water – anything. And when you’re grateful, you attract more things to be grateful for.

Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones to my success because I learn from them.

You do learn from your mistakes. That’s what mistakes are for! Whether you feel like you’re learning from them or not, you will always remember them – and that memory will influence a decision you make next time around.

As for setbacks – they help too. I always say, when one door closes, another one opens. Think about the doors that have shut in your life and where you are now – do you see the reason why yet? If not, you will soon.

An affirmation like this is good for turning negative thoughts around and helping you to look on the bright side of your situation.

I choose to be proud of myself.

True! Because you can always make that choice. And you should always make that choice. Think about goals you’ve achieved, things you’ve done that you never thought you would. No matter how big or small. There is something you can be proud of. This affirmation can help boost confidence and self-esteem, but ‘proud of myself’ can be swapped with anything you want, and choose, to be!

Now, these are the affirmations you truly need in your life.

Adapt them to fit your situation, say them whenever you want, as much as you want, I fully support all uses of these kinds of affirmations!!

Because you can apply them to your life and current situation right now, and they’re still positive.

They’re not lies. They describe what you’re living today, but in a positive and inspiring way.

And that is the power of a positive affirmation that works.

when affirmations do more harm than good little life changer

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Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

How to Create a Home Meditation Space

Delineating certain spaces for certain activities is an excellent reminder to single-task and tackle our to-do list one thing at a time. For example, while it might be easier to grab lunch at your desk or dinner in front of the TV, it’s healthier for the body and spirit to leave the eating to the kitchen.

With that in mind, we thought about ways to encourage oneself to take time for mediation. Nothing fancy, just a designated space to practice stillness and mindfulness. Your very own cozy, inviting spot for relaxation and peace of mind. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Start with our beginner’s guide to meditation, then scroll down for our picks for a welcoming home meditation space:

How to Create a Home Meditation Space

1. Maji Sports Jute Yoga Mat // A soft yoga mat will keep you comfortable, which means you will be less distracted while meditating.

2. Sacred Smudge Mist // This woodsy air freshening mist is ideal for meditation and balancing chakras, cleansing the space around you.

3. Spring’s Eden Matches (Find Paradise) // Light up your favorite candle or incense with equally beautiful matches.

4. Linnea’s Lights Candle (Sea Salt) // This natural candle will subtly light up your space while scenting it with salty ocean wave vibes.

5. Eco Friendly Meditation Cushion // Handmade linen meditation cushion in a natural color with a green leaf print, filled with buckwheat hulls or kapok.

6. Plant Makeup Incense Sample Pack // Organic, plant-based fragrances made from locally grown and ethically wild harvested ingredients, with compostable packaging.

7. Breathe Wood Sign // A little reminder to inhale and exhale–perfect as an addition to your meditation space.

8. Chevronica Crystal // Place this geometric Amethyst crystal in your space to maintain a balanced spirit and embrace vibrations of meditation and calm.

Original article and pictures take helloglow.co site

The 2016 Woman's Guide to Great Skin

This is it. This is the year you finally make a commitment to be good to the most important person in your life: you. And more specifically, your skin. You've heard all the facts, but bad habits (like going to bed with your makeup on and running out the door without sunscreen) are still hard to break. By replacing them with new positive habits—daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly—you can can make a huge difference in your complexion. With the help of top skincare pros, we've created the easiest, most effective plan for your most radiant skin ever.


1. Develop a regimen. Wash your face twice daily: once in the morning, and once at night. There's a reason for this, says dermatologist Dr. Melanie Palm, M.D., director of Art of Skin MD in Solana Beach, California. In the morning, you're prepping your skin to receive topical products like antioxidants, moisturizers, and sunscreens. In the evening, you're washing away all the impurities that built up through the day, like dirt and environmental toxins.

So you guessed it — this means cleaning off your makeup every night. No exceptions! Makeup not only clogs your pores, but also traps dirt and pollution on your skin, blocking it from essential repair while you sleep, says dermatologist Annie Chiu, M.D. of The Derm Institute.

When your face is clean, apply a hyaluronic acid-based moisturizer like Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream Moisturizer. You'll wake up looking even more refreshed than you feel.

2. Turn down the heat. There's temptation in the colder months to soak under a hot stream every chance you get, but according to Daniel Abouhim, M.D., founder of Refined Aesthetics, your skin will be healthier and less dry when you keep the water temperature warm rather than hot. (Use the same principle when washing your hands to avoid scaling and flaking skin.) In addition, Dr. Abouhim recommends limiting the length of your shower and patting the moisture from your skin with a soft towel instead of rubbing it.

3. Slather up! In addition to using moisturizer on your face, pay special attention to your eyes, which have the thinnest skin on your body, says Dr. Chiu. Treat the area with an eye cream that contains growth factors, retinols, and Vitamin C to boost collagen production and skin thickness. Other vulnerable areas include the neck, decolletage, hands, and arms, which all show signs of sun damage and age before other parts of the body. The best time to apply moisturizer is right after your shower when your skin is most primed to absorb it. A body oil will lock in moisture all over without leaving you greasy.

4. Always wear sunscreen. If you only follow one piece of advice, apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, whether or not the sun is shining. Sunscreens not only protect against skin cancer, says Dr. Chiu, but also decrease the development of wrinkles, keep pigment even and help your skin barrier stay healthy. Look for a broad-spectrum formula — that means UVA and UVB blockers — that has a physical ingredient such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, says Dr. Palm.

5. Give your body what it needs. You know the drill. Drink water, get plenty of sleep (ideally eight hours) and eat clean to avoid breakouts. Debbie Palmer, M.D., dermatologist and creator of Replere skincare, recommends antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, while Dr. Abouhim swears by a low-sodium diet to prevent puffiness.

1. Exfoliate with an at-home peel. You're probably already using an exfoliating cleanser two-to-three times per week to slough away dead skin cells, but to take your skin to the next level, Dr. Palm recommends gentle exfoliation with a mixed beta-and-alpha hydroxy acid peel, which removes dead skin cells to reveal the taut, glowing skin underneath.

2. Unwind under a soothing sheet mask. Nourish your skin with a soothing sheet mask to improve tone and encourage collagen production. Pick a day each week to unwind for the 10 to 15 minutes it takes for the mask to work its magic. Not only will you be infusing your face with skin-healthy ingredients, but taking a break from your busy life will reward you with a decrease in blemishes. Studies show that lowering stress leads to clearer skin.

You can take it one step further by tailoring the mask to your skin type. For acne-prone or oily skin, Dr. Palm recommends ingredients like sulfur or charcoal, while those with parched skin should look for a more hydrating mask with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or thermal spring water.

3. Stay active. You might not think your workout has anything to do with your skin, but hitting the gym at least three times a week tightens skin and reduces stress, which in turn minimizes breakouts. Also, fuel up once a week with a protein rich in omega 3 fatty acids, like salmon, and snack on almonds and walnuts, both of which prevent inflammation, says Dr. Ahoubim.

4. Don't neglect your tools. You could have a world-class skin care regimen, but if you aren't paying attention to the surfaces that you come in contact with daily, you could be undoing all that TLC. Dr. Palmer advises her patients to clean all makeup brushes, cell phones, and pillow cases weekly. Not sure how to clean your makeup brushes without damaging them? Here's our quick and easy guide.


1. Get a full body sugar scrub. Overusing a physical exfoliator can be drying, so stick to a scrub in the shower just once a month, says Dr. Chiu. Lightly massage a gentle sugar scrub into the skin using circular motions over your entire body, paying particular attention to dry areas like knees and elbows. You should feel your skin tingling, which is a good sign that the scrub is activating your circulation. Rinse it off, and then, after you've dabbed yourself dry, slather on a thick, decadent body cream.

2. Go for an in-office facial or chemical peel. If you're able, set aside time every month for an in-office treatment like a facial or other physician-strength procedure. Dermatologist Margarita Lolis, M.D. recommends chemical peels, which exfoliate and minimize dark spots to brighten skin. Yes, it's an indulgence, but much less intensive (and expensive!) than trying to repair damage down the road.

3. Take stock of your routine. Even a routine that's worked reliably for you may require tweaking from time to time, so check in at start of each season, says Dr. Chiu. Evaluate everything from your diet to the products you use. "Dry winters require slightly thicker moisturizers, while hot summers are a good time to boost the use of pore de-clogging hydroxy acids," says Dr. Chiu. If you're experiencing breakouts, or your body stops responding to a product the way it once did, for example, consider seeing a dermatologist to help you figure out the best course of action.

4. Set yourself up for success. Even if you can't make it to the dermatologist's office every month, there are plenty of things you can still do at home. Dr. Chiu recommends checking the expiration dates on your makeup and creams monthly to make sure the products you're using are still good. And most importantly, Dr. Palm encourages a self-skin examination: check yourself once a month from head to toe with your eyes peeled for suspicious moles. Any new or changing moles should prompt a call to your dermatologist.


1. Go for an annual skin screening. Doctors can't stress this enough: A yearly skin cancer screening from a board-certified dermatologist is one of the most important things you should do. Don't wait until something unusual crops up — skin cancer can occur at any age and routine checks are important for your overall health. Dr. Palm recommends paying particular attention to the calves and back, which are areas prone to the development of melanoma in women.

2. Communicate with your dermatologist. This is also a great opportunity to check in with your derm to come up with a game plan for your overall skin health. If you're considering cosmetic treatments like laser, fillers, or tightening procedures, your doctor can help you decide on the best fit.

Stick to this schedule and let's check back in a year — we're betting you'll be amazed by the transformation you'll see.

Don't forget to pin (and print out!) this handy infographic so you'll never forget exactly what you need to do this year.

Original article and pictures take ghk.h-cdn.co site

Get Started Now

Proteome Informatics

Book Details


Conrad Bessant, Conrad Bessant, Simon J Gaskell, Bin Ma, Surendra Dasari, Jyoti Choudhary, Andrew Jones, Rune Matthieson, Andrew Dowsey, Marc Vaudel, Birgit Schilling, Pedro Navarro, Lennart Martens, Juan Antonio Vizcaíno, Lars Nilse, Timothy J Griff


Royal Society of Chemistry

Released Year








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23.17 MB

You can read and download free ebook Proteome Informatics by Conrad Bessant, Conrad Bessant, Simon J Gaskell, Bin Ma, Surendra Dasari, Jyoti Choudhary, Andrew Jones, Rune Matthieson, Andrew Dowsey, Marc Vaudel, Birgit Schilling, Pedro Navarro, Lennart Martens, Juan Antonio Vizcaíno, Lars Nilse, Timothy J Griff and published by Royal Society of Chemistry in PDF format. Proteome Informatics is one of the best book in Science & Math. Ebook ISBN 9781782624288 free download.

The field of proteomics has developed rapidly over the past decade nurturing the need for a detailed introduction to the various informatics topics that underpin the main liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) protocols used for protein identification and quantitation. Proteins are a key component of any biological system, and monitoring proteins using LC-MS/MS proteomics is becoming commonplace in a wide range of biological research areas. However, many researchers treat proteomics software tools as a black box, drawing conclusions from the output of such tools without considering the nuances and limitations of the algorithms on which such software is based. This book seeks to address this situation by bringing together world experts to provide clear explanations of the key algorithms, workflows and analysis frameworks, so that users of proteomics data can be confident that they are using appropriate tools in suitable ways.

Original article and pictures take www.loapower.com site

Janice Wolf - the fight against cancer

Janice Wolf - the fight against cancer (Janice Wolf)

The Story

RRR friends, fans, & family...Janice has VERY, VERY reluctantly agreed, because of all of the outpouring of support (hundred and hundred of concerned people), to allow this fundraiser to happen...coupled with the real possibility of someone posting a non-legit page as a scam. This is the ONLY Janice Wolf approved fundraiser.

On the Rocky Ridge Refuge page is this quote:
"The God of the whole gave a living soul
to furred and feathered thing
And I am my brothers keeper
And I will fight his fight
And speak for the beast and bird
Till the world shall set things right."
--Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Janice Wolf exemplies these words...she is the kind and healing hand, the advocate for the neglected, and the voice for the abused and abandoned soul. Let's fight her fight because this world is a much better place with her in it!

Original article and pictures take www.youcaring.com site


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